Titus Corlăţean: The Parliament must respect the fundamental rights of the citizen and the Constitution

The government came up with a set of absolutely abominable proposals concerning healthy Romanian citizens who come from abroad from high-risk countries epidemiologically considered, according to the text of NLP rulers, and HEALTHY citizens automatically enter quarantine without their consent. This is about healthy citizens…I am not talking about asymptomatics, that there are problems too… But HEALTHY citizens according to the text that the government proposes, are deprived of freedom for the simple fact that they come from such an area… although they are certified to be HEALTHY. This means deprivation of liberty and the rulers are asking us to commit criminal offence to the LAW.
I gave only one example, there are many issues like this.

These issues have been partially repaired. I also participated in a narrower discussion in the Parliament in the Chamber of Deputies, I also told Raed Arafat in very clear terms, I don’t know if he felt very well about, that it is correct to ask for legal ways to fight the pandemic, as a ruler, in the NLP government, but in a state governed by the rule of Law, national security and health crises must be managed legally, constitutionally, this is how the rule of law works. When you ask to the Parliament, you, NLP government, when you ask us such abominable issues, the Parliament that exercises the function of parliamentary control over the executive, have the duty to drastically change such issues. Partially has been changed in the Chamber of Deputies in the right direction, there are important changes in the Chamber of Deputies. But the time was very short and it was not by chance that I asked my colleagues in the parliamentary office of the Senate, USR supported my proposal in the permanent office of the Senate: let’s take a little more time. Today it is a case of not having a plenary of the Senate as the governors put a lot of pressure. My advice was to convene an extraordinary plenary session EVERY DAY.

Let’s debate the text of the project in the competent standing committees every day on Saturday, on Sunday and on Monday.

Let’s have the Senate plenary on Monday afternoon. Let’s have another meeting of the legal commission on Monday morning.

Let’s not rush, let’s not work superficially.

We must offer ways to fight the epidemic, but at the same time we must respect the citizens of Romania and the fundamental rights they have.

Because what the rulers do, they mix halves of truths with lies. This is the classic definition of manipulation. When I say that the number of infected people detected daily is 500 or 600, this number is correct. But what the rulers are not saying is that one was to get 500 infections on March 31, practically the same number but with only 3,000 tests and another is to get the same number of infected with 14,000 tests which means four times more. This whole truth must be told, we must judge these things not under the rule of emotion, not under the rule of pressure that the rulers want to keep Romania in check, to keep the Romanian society exerted by the rulers.

They want to keep Romania in check, to keep the Romanian society closed, to do their business on public money, to siphon public money, to entrust contracts to customers for double or triple amounts. I can’t accept this. Dear colleagues, don’t rush to make an injust law. One day or two will not change the situation. If we offer a good law for fighting the pandemic and for respecting the citizens and their fundamental rights, then we do our duty and Parliament does a good law. I hope to follow this calendar to give a legal, right vote until the end.

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Asociația Anima Fori - Sufletul Cetății s-a născut în anul 2012 din dorința unui mic grup de oameni de condei de a-și pune aptitudinile creatoare în slujba societății și a valorilor umaniste. Dorim să inițiem proiecte cu caracter științific, cultural și social, să sprijinim tineri performeri în evoluția lor și să ne implicăm în construirea unei societăți democratice, o societate bazată pe libertatea de conștiință și de exprimare a tuturor membrilor ei. Prezenta publicație este realizată în colaborare cu Gazeta Românească.

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Asociația Anima Fori - Sufletul Cetății s-a născut în anul 2012 din dorința unui mic grup de oameni de condei de a-și pune aptitudinile creatoare în slujba societății și a valorilor umaniste. Dorim să inițiem proiecte cu caracter științific, cultural și social, să sprijinim tineri performeri în evoluția lor și să ne implicăm în construirea unei societăți democratice, o societate bazată pe libertatea de conștiință și de exprimare a tuturor membrilor ei. Prezenta publicație este realizată în colaborare cu Gazeta Românească.